Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Freshers Flu

There's been a new intake at Joel's nursery.  6 of the older kiddies went up to the big room and a bundle of new babies and toddlers have replaced htem.  And the snot levels have gone up.

Joel caught a nasty lurgy which I think coincided with some lower molars pushing their way through and as a result was burning up for 24 hours.  He was off his food, and when the 4 hours of calpol relief ended his temperature shot up to 39 degrees again.

It's the worst thing leaving your baby when he's poorly and you're not able to be there for him because of stinky work.

Well, I'm very pleased to say that after months of applying, appealing and stressing and getting poorly myself, I've been allowed to go part time.

I even don't have to work job share.  I thought this time that I would apply for what I really wanted, which was a three day week, and I can't really believe that they've approved it!  So from the 5th November, I'll be working a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! 

So far I'm planning to buy a Trentham Garden annual pass so we can head up there on the bus for the play park and to roam the gardens and then come the spring, we'll get a Shugborough Farm pass and visit the animals! 

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