Friday, 10 September 2010

Feeling Sick Sick Sick

This pregnancy lark is all a bit yukky at the moment to be honest. I'm feeling so nauseous all day, every day, although afternoons and evenings are worse. My boobs have gone crazy sore and swollen and I've had to buy bigger round the back bras, and not being willing to buy expensive ones, I've just got cheap ones which look horrid and don't do much for my self esteem at the moment. I've also had to buy bigger jeans as my 12's won't do up anymore :( That's depressed me. I know it's only water and bloating, but still, I've not had to buy 14's for ages. And I was proud of the fact. And they're too big everywhere else but they do zip up. Mind you, I can still wear the 12's with a long top over to hide the big gap.

I'm still burping lots, and needing to wee lots, and I'm still waiting on a scan date. Lots of waiting.

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