Sunday, 15 April 2012

Coughing Catastrophe

I'm back to being a stressed mummy this weekend.

Joel began with a little cough again on Wednesday.  When I say began again, I mean in a bad way as he's sort of had a cough for ages now, since his chest infection.  Anyway, we had two very bad nights, and on Saturday, after having been up for a few hours I decided to take him to the out of hours doctors.  He just couldn't stop coughing all morning, a dry, hacking cough.

So off we went and he didn't have a temperature, the doctor said it wasn't croup, just a viral cough that could last 4 weeks (!) and he gave us an asthma inhaler for him as he had a wheeze on his chest but not any crackle on his chest.  I have a little asthma but only from a chest infection when I was about 24.  I don't think I can take 4 more weeks of this!  If Joel isn't sleeping, then I'm not sleeping!  I know I can't do anything really for a pesky cough but I hate to think of him lying in cot feeling alone and coughing by himself.  So if it's very bad I get up and just hold him and settle him down again.

He did sleep better last night though but has had some nasty nappies again today.  he just seems to have one thing after another, but I think he's teething again as he's been chewing on his fingers and seems to get icky nappies as a matter of course.  He's had a bit of a temperature as well so I've dosed him up on calpol.

I really hope he's all fit and well for his party on saturday.  He's got a busy week.  Grandma's on Monday and Tuesday, nursery on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, a 1st birthday party on Thursday evening, his birthday on Friday and a busy party day on Saturday with sensory and a family tea!

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