Friday, 16 March 2012

Tiredness Competition

I'm having an argument with Steve today about who is the more tired.

His reasoning that he should win involves the fact he has been up every morning to go to networking meetings and worked all day and got in at 6pm and he's weary from this.  Plus he went away last weekend and had late nights and early starts and hasn't been able to lie in at all.

Fine.  I'm not disagreeing with that at all.  Everything he has argued is true.


I too have been up every morning to look after Joel.  I have been officially on duty 24/7 for almost three weeks without a morning lie in.

When Steve decided (without talking to me first) to go away for a weekend it meant I lost my weekend.  He didn't even give me a moment's consideration that his decision to have boy fun would mean I didn't get a lie in.  Normally when he's got a busy week I'm sympathetic and let him have a weekend lie in.  But not this time.  I'm cross that he thinks he can do whatever he likes whenever he likes without any consequences.

We're both tired but one has to give and I really feel that for once, it should be him.

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