Sunday, 30 September 2012

Wet at the Wildlife Centre

We had a lovely Saturday.  We had a lazy morning and took Izzy out for a long walk and play with her ball, before heading over to The Wolesley Arms for a nice lunch.  Steve and I had sandwiches and Joel had a bowl of pasta (which he polished off) and bananas and custard.  Then we went over to the Wildlife Centre to have a wander round in the sunshine.

The first point of interest on the walk around was a welly splash and as Joel was in his wellies we thought we'd let him try it.  He loved it and splashed through, giggling and laughing, turned around and splashed again! 

He did this about 6 times and then as I was trying to get him to walk on he decided to sit down in the river! 

His face registered a bit of shock as it was very cold!  We quickly got him up and he was drenched through so back to the car we went and we took his trousers off.  I was cross with myself for not anticipating that and holding his reins up and we had to go home.

On the drive home he fell asleep so we transferred him to his cot for an hours nap, whilst I went to town and Steve pottered at home.  Then after a full change, he was ready and we went back again!  It was too nice a day to stay in.

And the second visit was less eventful.  We managed to get him to walk well on his reins and he loved toddling around the board walk rather than being in his buggy.  He walked and ran races with Daddy, (he seemed to know what 'Ready, Steady, Go! meant, and always set off just before the go, giggling as he tried to beat daddy!)

We found the giant snail, and fish to make music, and other sculptures.  He wasn't enamoured of the web swing, and wanted to wade into the lake, and when restrained decided to have a sulky tantrum.  As if we'd let him back in the water on a cold day!  His face was funny though!

He did cheer up when he was put up in the tree!
Then it was home for tea via Tesco to get the tea!  We munched on toasted pitta bread with hummus to dip in, and grated carrot, beetroot salad and some coleslaw.  He is a bit hummus fan!  And he loves dipping things.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Copy Cat

Joel is such a little mimic at times although he's funny about it!

At the weekend I took him to the supermarket, and we were strolling around the vegetables, where we saw a lady with her special needs son (about 30 years old) and he was rocking on his feet, back and forth, and making groany noises.

I didn't really think anything of it, but then heard the same noises a bit later and looking over at Joel realised he was watching this fellow, and copying him.  Rocking back and forth sat in the trolley and making the same noises!

I didn't know what to do.  I tried to shush him a little, and as he was in the trolley, briskly pushed him out of sight of this lady but inside couldn't help but giggle as it was rather funny of him.

I just dread when he can speak and notice people who are different and the questions I'll inevitibly get asked in a little loud voice which could cause embarraseement!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Molar Update

Well, Joel is now the proud owner of two fat molars on his bottom gums, and his temperature is back to normal and he's back to his happy little self.

It was a hard week, and we bought him a present on Saturday to cheer him up.  Well, I say it's for him, we've had as much enjoyment from it to be honest.  We got it because at his nursery they have a little sofa and he loves it, so when I saw this beanbag chair I had to get it for him!

Watching In The Night Garden
Nice and Comfy
Loving his Ukelele!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

We Hate Teething

This is a short post because I'm headachey, tired and a bit grumpy from the disturbed nights this week.

Admittedly it's not Joel's fault.  He's been ill with a virus, and his teething is really bothering him.

He woke twice last night and needed Calpol and I gave him a dose of teething powder as well.

I woke to hear him whimpering in the night, and it wasn't too noisy, but I couldn't leave him like that.  I went in and he was gnoshing on his hands and very glum about the pain in his gums.  Once he'd had his Calpol he settled down for another few hours.

Poor baby.  And poor Mummy.  :(

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Freshers Flu

There's been a new intake at Joel's nursery.  6 of the older kiddies went up to the big room and a bundle of new babies and toddlers have replaced htem.  And the snot levels have gone up.

Joel caught a nasty lurgy which I think coincided with some lower molars pushing their way through and as a result was burning up for 24 hours.  He was off his food, and when the 4 hours of calpol relief ended his temperature shot up to 39 degrees again.

It's the worst thing leaving your baby when he's poorly and you're not able to be there for him because of stinky work.

Well, I'm very pleased to say that after months of applying, appealing and stressing and getting poorly myself, I've been allowed to go part time.

I even don't have to work job share.  I thought this time that I would apply for what I really wanted, which was a three day week, and I can't really believe that they've approved it!  So from the 5th November, I'll be working a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! 

So far I'm planning to buy a Trentham Garden annual pass so we can head up there on the bus for the play park and to roam the gardens and then come the spring, we'll get a Shugborough Farm pass and visit the animals! 

Friday, 7 September 2012

Flushing Fun

You may recall that I bought a potty for Joel to introduce the concept of peeing and pooping outside of the nappy!

So far, he's looked at it, trodden in it and sometimes sits on it.  But backwards! 

I also bought a book to help me learn how to broach it and that has suggested things like letting him watch us go to the toilet and talk him through the process and then he can help flush the toilet.  He loves flushing the toilet.  He'll flush the toilet whenever he comes into the bathroom, even if it doesn't need flushing.

Apprantely, little boys especially get a bit upset at seeing their 'produce' being flushed away so it's good for them to learn it's a good thing!

Steve was a bit funny about letting Joel watch him go to the toilet, but it's better for a boy to learn from their Daddy and we're just trying to get the idea across to him.

I'm not sure when he'll be ready to attempt going on a potty, I don't think it'll be for a while to be honest but he knows where it is for now!!  And for now, it's a novelty!

Monday, 3 September 2012

Cycles & Mooncups (TMI)

Since stopping breastfeeding the old periods had taken a while to come back to normal.

Then in May this year I did a pregancy test and was so happy that it was positive.  But that one was not to be.

Then since that point, we've been trying again but every month brings another period.  To be honest, I'm not even sure I ovulated in June or July.  I did get ovulation cramps in August which I hoped meant things were back in order but I guess we missed the tiny little window which means a new baby.

July's AF was mean, and was a week late which got my hopes up despite the negative test.

And this month, I tried using a 'mooncup', which advertises itself as a third option to typical ladies sanitary ware!  I'd seen it mentioned on a forum and was intrigued, as I do dislike sanitary towels and don't really get on well with tampons.  And the thought of never having to buy them again, and the ethical benefits to the world are worth considering too.

So for £19.99 you can get a silicone cup which is inserted and catches the menstrual flow which then is emptied into the loo, and cleaned and re-inserted.

AF arrived whilst I was at work last week and I didn't fancy trialling it right away, so the next morning (which is normally my heaviest flow day) I had a shower and had a go at using it.  I got it right straight away and thought how easy it was, then removed it.  Then tried to put it back but I guess I'd tensed up and couldn't get it at all!!  On my last ditch attempt I managed it again, and all seemed ok.  I put a liner in as well just as I didn't trust that it wouldn't leak!

I walked to work, pushing Joel in his buggy and dropped him at nursery and stopped at the loo on my way to the office.  No leaks at all.

After a morning sat in the office I was getting a 'heavy' sort of crampy feeling so decided to see what was going on and whether it was the mooncup or just my normal crampy pains.

I went to remove the moon cup and panicked that I couldn't get it out!  Calming myself I managed to, and didn't spill any contents.  It was quite strange, seeing it all in the cup, and with a measuring line to say there was 15ml of fluid there!  Sorry for the TMI, but it was seperated, with a heavy dark blood underneath and a clear liquid on top which I wasn't expecting at all.  I poured it down the toilet and it was a strange action to do and see.  I didn't fancy the firkling required to put it back, so left it out for the afternoon.  And the heavy crampy feeling remained, so it was just my pains.

Maybe I'll try it again next month if it comes to it.  I think it's something that takes a bit of getting used to.  Obviously, the hope is I wouldn't need it for ages.  I do feel sad that things haven't happened yet.  I'd hoped to have been pregnant by August.  Two folk at church yesterday commented that it was time Joel had a sibling.  Yes, I know, but them telling me that doesn't make me feel any happier and I'm hardly going to say that we've been trying for over six months to no avail.  It's none of their business really.  By October, I may see a doctor as I've read that it's common to struggle with a second baby (although ironically I know so many folk who've just caught again so fast) and I never thought it would take so long to make a baby happen.  But this is another month and if I'm not too tired of an evening, hopefully we can muster up the energy to attempt it all again!!  And get the right time this time!  And in the meantime, I'm so broody and jealous of anyone with a new born!!