There's a job at work which is part time and working just mornings. It fits in with nursery half days and is a scale lower so less responsibility. It seems good. It's only for internal folk to apply for so I'm going to go for it tonight.
I wonder what will happen!!
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Birth Debrief
You may be aware if having read my birth story that I was left with a few questions as to what happened to me, my waters and my placenta.
With my sister having an overdue baby but a perfectly fine placenta it reawakened my questions so after speaking to a midwife friend who recommended a birth debrief and I dutifully contacted the delivery ward and made an appointment.
I went along yesterday and met the consultant who sent me for a cesearean and the head of delivery, and we sat down on sofas and I asked my questions and the consultant began to talk me through Joel's birth using the notes in my file. It brought it all back and changed some of the timings I'd had in my head too! I was way out with the time I thought I was on the ward. I thought I went to delivery at 3 but it was more like 5pm!
She said that with dating scans, it's very hard to be accurate and that they can be 10 days out either side. That means, technically Joel could have been 10 days overdue.
She doesn't know why my placenta got a bit gritty and seemed to not be working as well, it's just one of those things. After a due date the placenta gets calcium deposits and that's not to say it doesn't work as well, it just has a gritty texture.
She said the doctor who tried to break my waters said it was 'difficult' (me or the placenta? I don't know!) but that they're presuming he managed it and once I was put in a chair to go to the delivery room the slush was waters mixed with meconium. He wasn't gentle and I remember him poking and pulling about a lot saying I wasn't relaxed enough. Well, I'd like to see him relax in that situation.
Joel was fine at 6am for the first trace and not in distress at all, so he'd not been panicking for a couple of days as I'd thought. He first seemed distressed at around noon once the contractions had begun and began having heart decelerations. The consultant, on referring to his charts was adamant that she'd have made the same decisions again on seeing them as they were worrying.
There were notes to say that I had waters and meconium behind Joel which came out, so they don't think that my waters had gone before going to hospital. They said there wasn't much and have offered me a further scan towards the end of my next (!) pregnancy (as and when) to check on the levels if I'm worried.
All in all, it was helpful. It has answered my questions and made me feel better that things weren't as bad as I'd supposed.
I then asked whether my uterus would be sufficiently healed to carry another baby and they said yes, and I should be able to have a normal birth next time, as I'd got quite far on prostin gel which surprised me as I thought I'd got nowhere with too much pain! Apparently 2cm by the time I was (about 5 hours in) was good going. Youch.
Then (and this bit took me by surprise) the consultant looked me up and down and commented that I was still carrying extra weight from my pre-pregnancy weight. I agreed and said I wasn't quite what I was before. She asked what excercise I did and I replied I walk about 3-4 miles a day. She said that only counted as gentle exercise (she obviously doesn't do it fast pushing a buggy then) and advised that I begin jogging to shift my extra weight. I guess it's because it's still around my middle and yes, I know I need to do something about it, but I've just started work full time, any spare time is spent washing up or doing laundry and then falling on the sofa to watch tv in a stupor. Because I'm tired and my baby is teething. And I half think that it's easier to think about it once all the babies have been born I want! I guess that's a silly thing to think though and lazy too.
And not to be mean back, but she didn't exactly look as though she did regular jogging either. Not that I said it. I just thought it. And felt castigated for being big. Not that I am big big. I'm 5'2" so should be about 8 stones which I've not been since I was 16 as I'm curvy to boot. I've not weighed myself for a while but I'm fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes again for the first time in ages. I do need to shift my spare tyre though.
Maybe this will turn into a diet blog. Although I don't think so. I'm just too hungry for that sort of thing.
With my sister having an overdue baby but a perfectly fine placenta it reawakened my questions so after speaking to a midwife friend who recommended a birth debrief and I dutifully contacted the delivery ward and made an appointment.
I went along yesterday and met the consultant who sent me for a cesearean and the head of delivery, and we sat down on sofas and I asked my questions and the consultant began to talk me through Joel's birth using the notes in my file. It brought it all back and changed some of the timings I'd had in my head too! I was way out with the time I thought I was on the ward. I thought I went to delivery at 3 but it was more like 5pm!
She said that with dating scans, it's very hard to be accurate and that they can be 10 days out either side. That means, technically Joel could have been 10 days overdue.
She doesn't know why my placenta got a bit gritty and seemed to not be working as well, it's just one of those things. After a due date the placenta gets calcium deposits and that's not to say it doesn't work as well, it just has a gritty texture.
She said the doctor who tried to break my waters said it was 'difficult' (me or the placenta? I don't know!) but that they're presuming he managed it and once I was put in a chair to go to the delivery room the slush was waters mixed with meconium. He wasn't gentle and I remember him poking and pulling about a lot saying I wasn't relaxed enough. Well, I'd like to see him relax in that situation.
Joel was fine at 6am for the first trace and not in distress at all, so he'd not been panicking for a couple of days as I'd thought. He first seemed distressed at around noon once the contractions had begun and began having heart decelerations. The consultant, on referring to his charts was adamant that she'd have made the same decisions again on seeing them as they were worrying.
There were notes to say that I had waters and meconium behind Joel which came out, so they don't think that my waters had gone before going to hospital. They said there wasn't much and have offered me a further scan towards the end of my next (!) pregnancy (as and when) to check on the levels if I'm worried.
All in all, it was helpful. It has answered my questions and made me feel better that things weren't as bad as I'd supposed.
I then asked whether my uterus would be sufficiently healed to carry another baby and they said yes, and I should be able to have a normal birth next time, as I'd got quite far on prostin gel which surprised me as I thought I'd got nowhere with too much pain! Apparently 2cm by the time I was (about 5 hours in) was good going. Youch.
Then (and this bit took me by surprise) the consultant looked me up and down and commented that I was still carrying extra weight from my pre-pregnancy weight. I agreed and said I wasn't quite what I was before. She asked what excercise I did and I replied I walk about 3-4 miles a day. She said that only counted as gentle exercise (she obviously doesn't do it fast pushing a buggy then) and advised that I begin jogging to shift my extra weight. I guess it's because it's still around my middle and yes, I know I need to do something about it, but I've just started work full time, any spare time is spent washing up or doing laundry and then falling on the sofa to watch tv in a stupor. Because I'm tired and my baby is teething. And I half think that it's easier to think about it once all the babies have been born I want! I guess that's a silly thing to think though and lazy too.
And not to be mean back, but she didn't exactly look as though she did regular jogging either. Not that I said it. I just thought it. And felt castigated for being big. Not that I am big big. I'm 5'2" so should be about 8 stones which I've not been since I was 16 as I'm curvy to boot. I've not weighed myself for a while but I'm fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes again for the first time in ages. I do need to shift my spare tyre though.
Maybe this will turn into a diet blog. Although I don't think so. I'm just too hungry for that sort of thing.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Where Has The Time Gone?!
My little boy is now a whole one year old!
I don't know where this year has gone. The start of it felt like forever, the sleep deprivation took it's toll and suddenly, once he started smiling, and responding, sitting up and playing the days began speeding by and now here we are.
I have lots of photos I want to post and things to put down here and remember. We've had quite a busy week and not only with Joel's birthday.
My Dad had been waiting for surgery at hospital to have some biospys on lumps found in his lungs. He got a terrible chest infection over Christmas and subsequent chest x-rays showed some matter that needed investigating. His first date for going in was postponed, and his second and the third meant that he'd miss Joel's party.
So on the Wednesday before his birthday and the day before my Dad was due to report at hospital we had a little party tea just the four of us (Steve was working) and it was lovely. Mum did his favourite foods, and he opened his presents and it was nice to have the celebrations going over many days so he wasn't too overwhelmed with it all.
Then on Thursday he had a birthday cake at nursery (I bought one, didn't make it!) and the little tots all sang Happy Birthday to him.
On Friday we gave him our meagre presents (we decided to wait and get him things as he needs them in the summer such as garden toys) and he had a drum and instrument set, funky feet mat and some amazing animals to go with his choo choo train and then we took him to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. It was a great place to go to, and he responded so well to seeing the fish. We had lunch in Nando's, (he had a peanut butter sandwich) but the manager gave him a cake as it was his birthday!! Joel is turning into a cake monster!
On Saturday it was his party day. Steve's family had come up the previous night, and came round with more presents and Joel had napped till nearly 11 which I hoped would be enough to get him through his party!! After a quick lunch of beans on toast, we'd got all the party stuff together and we went to the community centre we'd booked. We had an hour to get decorations up and the Baby Sensory woman arrived and set up and we were ready!!
Joel's baby friends began to arrive and he crawled about saying hello. His little friend Trudy had a beautiful pink tutu on, and Joel crawled over as if to say 'hello Trude' and rustled her skirt!! They're at nursery together and see each other a lot as we go to church together too.
The baby sensory was a big hit. I think four of the six babies there hadn't done it so they and their mums had a great time. The two babies who go weekly knew all the songs and their parents were signing and everything but I couldn't quite keep up with that!
We had space teddies jumping around with glowing stars, twinkling stars and fiberoptic lights, incy spider with pompoms and a jungle scene with puppets and a big jungley sheet we held over their heads!
I loved it and although Joel was a bit tired by the end of it he seemed quite enthralled for the best part of it.
We lit his birthday cake and sang happy birthday to him and had a bit of a snack time afterwards as I'd put out some fruit plates, baby crisps, bread sticks, cheese, baby biscuits and rice cakes and they sat around on the mats I borrowed from Mums and Toddlers amongst the toys we'd put out and ate and played for a bit longer.
We also managed to get a group photo of the little group although we couldn't get one of all the babies looking happy and in the right direction but I'd challenge the best photographer to do so without some photoshop!!
The whole weekend did seem to go well. Save for the fact my Dad and sister weren't there. And it was nice to spread the occasion out a bit to save him being overwhelmed. He's been a tired boy since though and slept very well on the Saturday night. Not Sunday night though! He decided he wanted to party some more I think at 1.30am!
This has become quite a long post so I think I'll leave it there :)
Aside from saying lets see what the next year brings us!
I don't know where this year has gone. The start of it felt like forever, the sleep deprivation took it's toll and suddenly, once he started smiling, and responding, sitting up and playing the days began speeding by and now here we are.
I have lots of photos I want to post and things to put down here and remember. We've had quite a busy week and not only with Joel's birthday.
My Dad had been waiting for surgery at hospital to have some biospys on lumps found in his lungs. He got a terrible chest infection over Christmas and subsequent chest x-rays showed some matter that needed investigating. His first date for going in was postponed, and his second and the third meant that he'd miss Joel's party.
So on the Wednesday before his birthday and the day before my Dad was due to report at hospital we had a little party tea just the four of us (Steve was working) and it was lovely. Mum did his favourite foods, and he opened his presents and it was nice to have the celebrations going over many days so he wasn't too overwhelmed with it all.
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Pasta is my very favourite food of all |
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Jelly is funny to wibble |
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I like cake Grandma! |
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Presents!! |
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Poor Nok Tok!! (the blur!) |
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Unwrapping his presents |
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Loving his Little People garage |
On Friday we gave him our meagre presents (we decided to wait and get him things as he needs them in the summer such as garden toys) and he had a drum and instrument set, funky feet mat and some amazing animals to go with his choo choo train and then we took him to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. It was a great place to go to, and he responded so well to seeing the fish. We had lunch in Nando's, (he had a peanut butter sandwich) but the manager gave him a cake as it was his birthday!! Joel is turning into a cake monster!
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Nom nom nom |
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His Nando's cake |
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Watching the fish |
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Hello Barracuda |
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Can you spot Nemo? |
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Looking cute at the aquarium |
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More presents?! |
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I love beans |
The baby sensory was a big hit. I think four of the six babies there hadn't done it so they and their mums had a great time. The two babies who go weekly knew all the songs and their parents were signing and everything but I couldn't quite keep up with that!
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Playing with pompoms |
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Shaking jingle bells |
I loved it and although Joel was a bit tired by the end of it he seemed quite enthralled for the best part of it.
We lit his birthday cake and sang happy birthday to him and had a bit of a snack time afterwards as I'd put out some fruit plates, baby crisps, bread sticks, cheese, baby biscuits and rice cakes and they sat around on the mats I borrowed from Mums and Toddlers amongst the toys we'd put out and ate and played for a bit longer.
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Joel's birthday cakes |
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Ooh, mini cake for me?! |
We also managed to get a group photo of the little group although we couldn't get one of all the babies looking happy and in the right direction but I'd challenge the best photographer to do so without some photoshop!!
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Pa rum pa pum pum |
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Bouncing Baby Friends |
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All tired out after a busy party weekend! |
It was after the weekend that I realised once again I'd not got any pictures of my family with Joel. I keep forgetting! I guess the fact that half my family were ill in bed didn't help so we may have a meet up at my parents in the coming weeks so we could do it then. I'd like a nice one of my parents holding him, and Sarah and Amy. And maybe a new big group one with Martha included! My new niece came along to the party and enjoyed the songs!!
The whole weekend did seem to go well. Save for the fact my Dad and sister weren't there. And it was nice to spread the occasion out a bit to save him being overwhelmed. He's been a tired boy since though and slept very well on the Saturday night. Not Sunday night though! He decided he wanted to party some more I think at 1.30am!
This has become quite a long post so I think I'll leave it there :)
Aside from saying lets see what the next year brings us!
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Third Week At Work
And still not feeling it :(
I welled up leaving him today. And he was at my parents. I just felt I was missing him such a lot. He's at such a wonderful stage and gives me these cute, wrinkly nose smiles. It's as though he knows he's got top teeth now and wants to show them off!
And I'm stuck behind a desk.
I'm sorry for moaning. I'm just finding this adjustment difficult. My day at work wasn't too bad yesterday. It went quickly and I finished early at 4 (thank goodness for flexi time) and we played till bedtime so I got a couple of hours with him but will that ever be enough?
I welled up leaving him today. And he was at my parents. I just felt I was missing him such a lot. He's at such a wonderful stage and gives me these cute, wrinkly nose smiles. It's as though he knows he's got top teeth now and wants to show them off!
And I'm stuck behind a desk.
I'm sorry for moaning. I'm just finding this adjustment difficult. My day at work wasn't too bad yesterday. It went quickly and I finished early at 4 (thank goodness for flexi time) and we played till bedtime so I got a couple of hours with him but will that ever be enough?
Monday, 16 April 2012
Batch Cooking
I'm finding I'm too tired after a day at work to be bothered with cooking, and if I were to ask Steve to help he'd just take it as an excuse to go out and get takeaway which I don't really want on a daily basis so the answer was batch cooking.
Saturday morning I put a chicken casserole in my slow cooker with stock and vegetables. I cooked up a huge pot of beef mince which then became a pot of chilli and a shepherds pie, and then a fish pie with spinach. I felt very Nigella!!
And today i was at work and came home to shepherds pie which me and Joel sat and ate ours first, and Steve had his later but it was all ready, and tasty and we just microwaved what we wanted in portions and there's more left for tomorrow.
I'm not sure I'll be able to do that weekly. This weekend I'll not have any time to do any of this type of cooking so next week's menu doesn't bode well!!
Saturday morning I put a chicken casserole in my slow cooker with stock and vegetables. I cooked up a huge pot of beef mince which then became a pot of chilli and a shepherds pie, and then a fish pie with spinach. I felt very Nigella!!
And today i was at work and came home to shepherds pie which me and Joel sat and ate ours first, and Steve had his later but it was all ready, and tasty and we just microwaved what we wanted in portions and there's more left for tomorrow.
I'm not sure I'll be able to do that weekly. This weekend I'll not have any time to do any of this type of cooking so next week's menu doesn't bode well!!
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Coughing Catastrophe
I'm back to being a stressed mummy this weekend.
Joel began with a little cough again on Wednesday. When I say began again, I mean in a bad way as he's sort of had a cough for ages now, since his chest infection. Anyway, we had two very bad nights, and on Saturday, after having been up for a few hours I decided to take him to the out of hours doctors. He just couldn't stop coughing all morning, a dry, hacking cough.
So off we went and he didn't have a temperature, the doctor said it wasn't croup, just a viral cough that could last 4 weeks (!) and he gave us an asthma inhaler for him as he had a wheeze on his chest but not any crackle on his chest. I have a little asthma but only from a chest infection when I was about 24. I don't think I can take 4 more weeks of this! If Joel isn't sleeping, then I'm not sleeping! I know I can't do anything really for a pesky cough but I hate to think of him lying in cot feeling alone and coughing by himself. So if it's very bad I get up and just hold him and settle him down again.
He did sleep better last night though but has had some nasty nappies again today. he just seems to have one thing after another, but I think he's teething again as he's been chewing on his fingers and seems to get icky nappies as a matter of course. He's had a bit of a temperature as well so I've dosed him up on calpol.
I really hope he's all fit and well for his party on saturday. He's got a busy week. Grandma's on Monday and Tuesday, nursery on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, a 1st birthday party on Thursday evening, his birthday on Friday and a busy party day on Saturday with sensory and a family tea!
Joel began with a little cough again on Wednesday. When I say began again, I mean in a bad way as he's sort of had a cough for ages now, since his chest infection. Anyway, we had two very bad nights, and on Saturday, after having been up for a few hours I decided to take him to the out of hours doctors. He just couldn't stop coughing all morning, a dry, hacking cough.
So off we went and he didn't have a temperature, the doctor said it wasn't croup, just a viral cough that could last 4 weeks (!) and he gave us an asthma inhaler for him as he had a wheeze on his chest but not any crackle on his chest. I have a little asthma but only from a chest infection when I was about 24. I don't think I can take 4 more weeks of this! If Joel isn't sleeping, then I'm not sleeping! I know I can't do anything really for a pesky cough but I hate to think of him lying in cot feeling alone and coughing by himself. So if it's very bad I get up and just hold him and settle him down again.
He did sleep better last night though but has had some nasty nappies again today. he just seems to have one thing after another, but I think he's teething again as he's been chewing on his fingers and seems to get icky nappies as a matter of course. He's had a bit of a temperature as well so I've dosed him up on calpol.
I really hope he's all fit and well for his party on saturday. He's got a busy week. Grandma's on Monday and Tuesday, nursery on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, a 1st birthday party on Thursday evening, his birthday on Friday and a busy party day on Saturday with sensory and a family tea!
Friday, 13 April 2012
Tantrum Territory?
I’ve been noticing a slight change in Joel’s temperament these past couple of weeks. Not so long ago for example, if he drained his bottle and sucked the bit of air to indicate it was empty, he’d be like ‘ok, it’s gone, no worries’. And he’d just get on with it! These days it seems to be the end of the world and he will burst into tears, with big fat tears that instantly begin rolling down his cheeks, and he’ll gasp and hold his breath as he’s just so upset something’s not there and then he’ll let me have it with a huge bellow of a cry. He can get quite inconsolable. Mere distraction is not sufficient to help him now.
This has happened so far with the draining of a bottle, being told he can’t have more chocolate (and Steve doesn’t help here with munching Easter Egg in front of him), having the i-phone or i-pad taken off him, or the remote control.
I think we’re at the beginning of discipline requirements and I’m pretty sure Steve will be good cop and he’ll leave the bad cop role to me. It seems to be going that way as he’ll give Joel more chocolate when crying to stop him crying and it’s not a good start!!
And then I feel torn because I just want him to be happy but I don’t want to spoil him and there’s such a fine line between a treat and all the time and a whole new messy world is opening up where we need to set some rules and stick to them. As a team!!
This has happened so far with the draining of a bottle, being told he can’t have more chocolate (and Steve doesn’t help here with munching Easter Egg in front of him), having the i-phone or i-pad taken off him, or the remote control.
I think we’re at the beginning of discipline requirements and I’m pretty sure Steve will be good cop and he’ll leave the bad cop role to me. It seems to be going that way as he’ll give Joel more chocolate when crying to stop him crying and it’s not a good start!!
And then I feel torn because I just want him to be happy but I don’t want to spoil him and there’s such a fine line between a treat and all the time and a whole new messy world is opening up where we need to set some rules and stick to them. As a team!!
Cough Cough
Joel began to cough yesterday.
It carried on through the night. Yawn.
He wasn't too bad, he seemed to be able to sleep through it and just woke up twice, drank a load of water and went back to sleep.
He doesn't have a temperature, he seems happy enough in himself, albeit a little tired due to the coughing through the night so I've taken him to nursery and they'll ring me if he needs taking home.
I think it's the end of the virus that's plagued him over Easter. Having googled it they say unless barky (croup) or whooping (whooping!) and temperature, it's likely viral and to visit the Dr after 2 weeks of it.
So I'm not too worried. I just feel sorry for him as he looks a bit sorry for himself. And is noisy. And keeps coughing. Which makes me feel as though I ought to worry. Oh dear.....
Why is there not a cure that babies can take for coughs?? Poor things.
It carried on through the night. Yawn.
He wasn't too bad, he seemed to be able to sleep through it and just woke up twice, drank a load of water and went back to sleep.
He doesn't have a temperature, he seems happy enough in himself, albeit a little tired due to the coughing through the night so I've taken him to nursery and they'll ring me if he needs taking home.
I think it's the end of the virus that's plagued him over Easter. Having googled it they say unless barky (croup) or whooping (whooping!) and temperature, it's likely viral and to visit the Dr after 2 weeks of it.
So I'm not too worried. I just feel sorry for him as he looks a bit sorry for himself. And is noisy. And keeps coughing. Which makes me feel as though I ought to worry. Oh dear.....
Why is there not a cure that babies can take for coughs?? Poor things.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Joel was at my parents yesterday (they have him for two days a week) and after work I went to collect him.
I walked in, and my Mum and Dad were beaming. 'Watch what he can do' said my Mum.
She pressed a button on his walker so it began to play a tune, and she, my Dad and Joel began to do a bizarre wiggle dance which looked a bit like the arm movement from Thriller!
It was a very funny moment, Joel was giggling, and wiggle dancing, probably feeling smug he could make his grandparents look foolish, and one I wish I could have recorded to watch over again!
I walked in, and my Mum and Dad were beaming. 'Watch what he can do' said my Mum.
She pressed a button on his walker so it began to play a tune, and she, my Dad and Joel began to do a bizarre wiggle dance which looked a bit like the arm movement from Thriller!
It was a very funny moment, Joel was giggling, and wiggle dancing, probably feeling smug he could make his grandparents look foolish, and one I wish I could have recorded to watch over again!
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
He's Back!!!!
My baby seems to have now shaken off whatever ailment has been affecting him for over a week.
His appetite is back although he seems more particular about what goes into his mouth at the moment, preferring chocolate, plain bread (no butter or anything on it) and food from parents or grandparents plates rather than his own dish!
He's happier, nappies are better and not splodgy, stinky messes any more and he wants to play again rather than sit and suck his thumb and feel sorry for himself.
His appetite is back although he seems more particular about what goes into his mouth at the moment, preferring chocolate, plain bread (no butter or anything on it) and food from parents or grandparents plates rather than his own dish!
He's happier, nappies are better and not splodgy, stinky messes any more and he wants to play again rather than sit and suck his thumb and feel sorry for himself.
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Izzy seeing whether he has food left around his ear!! |
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Happy Chappy |
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Joel has not been terribly well for a few days and we're currently in Kent for Easter which has been worrying as routines are a bit out of sorts, he's with different family and in a travel cot but to be fair to him he's coped really well with it all!
He's had an upset tummy for a few days and as much as I don't want to starve my baby, I don't think him eating is working as he's continually got nasty nappies. We've cut out dairy today and he's just had bread to see whether that helps. It could of course be teething but we've also had a rash to contend with that got us to an emergency dr's on saturday too!
This morning we had a projectile vomiting incident and between courses of our easter sunday lunch we had the most explosive poop yet, (and this was after two poopy nappies at church this morning)!
I was aware of an odour so lifted him out of the high chair and realised my hand under his bottom was damp. Then my father in law exclaimed about some icky piles on the floor which I thought was due to the dog but no, it was joel's poo falling out from down his leg! I recoiled from the smell and the horror of it and got steve to assist. I ran a bath, wendy cleaned the floor, steve removed Joel's clothes and he was so upset poor thing.
It was everywhere. He was coated and this was the first time that this has happened to us so I was a bit sort of unprepared and panicky.
We had to flush his dungarees out in the toilet and soak him (the bath water was a nasty colour) and he then had a good rinse after a cuddle in between.
And then steve asked if he could take joel into the swimming pool!
He's been cheery in himself though although not as energetic as normal which is to be expected I guess having not eaten normally for nearly a week.
I just want my baby to be fit and well again.
Sent from my BlackBerry smartphone from Virgin Media
He's had an upset tummy for a few days and as much as I don't want to starve my baby, I don't think him eating is working as he's continually got nasty nappies. We've cut out dairy today and he's just had bread to see whether that helps. It could of course be teething but we've also had a rash to contend with that got us to an emergency dr's on saturday too!
This morning we had a projectile vomiting incident and between courses of our easter sunday lunch we had the most explosive poop yet, (and this was after two poopy nappies at church this morning)!
I was aware of an odour so lifted him out of the high chair and realised my hand under his bottom was damp. Then my father in law exclaimed about some icky piles on the floor which I thought was due to the dog but no, it was joel's poo falling out from down his leg! I recoiled from the smell and the horror of it and got steve to assist. I ran a bath, wendy cleaned the floor, steve removed Joel's clothes and he was so upset poor thing.
It was everywhere. He was coated and this was the first time that this has happened to us so I was a bit sort of unprepared and panicky.
We had to flush his dungarees out in the toilet and soak him (the bath water was a nasty colour) and he then had a good rinse after a cuddle in between.
And then steve asked if he could take joel into the swimming pool!
He's been cheery in himself though although not as energetic as normal which is to be expected I guess having not eaten normally for nearly a week.
I just want my baby to be fit and well again.
Sent from my BlackBerry smartphone from Virgin Media
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Today I blubbed.
On Joel's nursery staff :(
It's the first day he's had to go to nursery since I've been back at work. Yesterday and Tuesday he was at my parents and he did cry a little on being dropped off but had a happy day with them and cheered up before I got to work.
Today we walked along with Izzy and dropped her off there for the day and on ringing the door bell Joel began to cry! Once we got going again he stopped and began chatting, until we crossed the road to nursery and set off down the path. Then he began again. Big tears were rolling down his cheeks and I got a huge lump in my throat.
How could I leave him at nursery to go to work whilst he's so unhappy?!
He didn't sleep well last night. He didn't eat anything yesterday and refused all milk. He had a couple of horrid nappies which I'm putting down to teething. He was very clingy and didn't want to play, just to cuddle me and suck his thumb.
I guess he's aware this week is different somehow and that I'm further away from him than I've ever been. Last week I could get him if he was ill or unhappy. This week I can't. I feel rather trapped behind a desk. Work is crazy quiet being the Easter hols, there's no staff in or students so I've not got a great deal to do except feel awful I'm not with Joel to make him feel better.
So we walked to the nursery and he began to cry again. We hung up his coat and bag and got his little book out to pass over. We walked into the baby room and he saw his little friends and toys and his eyes did light up but that wasn't enough to compensate for the fact I was leaving him again, for the third day running.
He cried, tears dropped and I began to cry too. One of the nursery ladies came to take him from me and I apologised and left. I could hear him coughing which he does when he cries too much and chokes. I cried walking up the hill to my office and didn't want anyone to talk to me for fear they'd get a sobbing wreck on their hands.
I rang the nursery 10 minutes later from my desk and was told he had flung blankie aside, was playing with a Noah's Ark and heading towards the breakfast table. He was fine. I just wish I could leave him happy and see him excited to go but I guess that's a little way in the future. They've rung me since as well to say he's still happy which is nice of them.
Working full time sucks and I can't wait to apply for part time again. I've not enjoyed this week at all.
On Joel's nursery staff :(
It's the first day he's had to go to nursery since I've been back at work. Yesterday and Tuesday he was at my parents and he did cry a little on being dropped off but had a happy day with them and cheered up before I got to work.
Today we walked along with Izzy and dropped her off there for the day and on ringing the door bell Joel began to cry! Once we got going again he stopped and began chatting, until we crossed the road to nursery and set off down the path. Then he began again. Big tears were rolling down his cheeks and I got a huge lump in my throat.
How could I leave him at nursery to go to work whilst he's so unhappy?!
He didn't sleep well last night. He didn't eat anything yesterday and refused all milk. He had a couple of horrid nappies which I'm putting down to teething. He was very clingy and didn't want to play, just to cuddle me and suck his thumb.
I guess he's aware this week is different somehow and that I'm further away from him than I've ever been. Last week I could get him if he was ill or unhappy. This week I can't. I feel rather trapped behind a desk. Work is crazy quiet being the Easter hols, there's no staff in or students so I've not got a great deal to do except feel awful I'm not with Joel to make him feel better.
So we walked to the nursery and he began to cry again. We hung up his coat and bag and got his little book out to pass over. We walked into the baby room and he saw his little friends and toys and his eyes did light up but that wasn't enough to compensate for the fact I was leaving him again, for the third day running.
He cried, tears dropped and I began to cry too. One of the nursery ladies came to take him from me and I apologised and left. I could hear him coughing which he does when he cries too much and chokes. I cried walking up the hill to my office and didn't want anyone to talk to me for fear they'd get a sobbing wreck on their hands.
I rang the nursery 10 minutes later from my desk and was told he had flung blankie aside, was playing with a Noah's Ark and heading towards the breakfast table. He was fine. I just wish I could leave him happy and see him excited to go but I guess that's a little way in the future. They've rung me since as well to say he's still happy which is nice of them.
Working full time sucks and I can't wait to apply for part time again. I've not enjoyed this week at all.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho
Well I've done it! I'm back at work officially.
(Ok, so I'm typing my blog from work, but it is 4pm and my head is too fuzzy to think about work things now!)
It's been a good day all in all. I've not cried. I've tried to get my head around things here and emailed students, done a few light tasks and got confused over how things have changed work wise. I'm an administrator at a University and take care of students on certain awards and have a new set of awards to get to grips with now.
Also, the doors here all have automatic opening things on them now, the bathrooms have automatic lights that switch on when you walk in, and the toilet paper seems to be better quality than when I left!
And it's lovely and quiet being the Easter holidays so my phone hasn't rung once, and I've not had to speak to any students or staff at all on work related matters!
Yesterday was a nice and quiet day. I wanted to do something special with Joel so after a leisurely morning we walked up to Mum and Dads for lunch, then we all went out to Amerton Farm.
We had a look around the farm animals and I jumped when a huge horse stuck his head over the stable door which alarmed Joel and made him cry, which in turn made another baby cry which was a little bit funny! Whether this spooked him I'm not sure, but he also cried when I showed him a huge pig!! He didn't mind the micro pigs, goats or chickens though!
We had an ice-cream from the farm shop and he tucked in to his once we'd minimised it, and broke the bottom of a cone off and put some ice-cream in it!
Then we went on the steam train for a little ride around and he seemed to like that as well:
So the week isn't too bad so far! I have another two days in the office before we head to Kent for Easter and it'll be a nice weekend to relax in I hope! I'll be taking my Kindle anyhow! :)
Also, I'm very excited because yesterday, Joel stood up on his own and clapped himself for doing so! He stood up against the sofa, then let go and managed to balance for a short while then sat back down but he did it a few times! I wonder whether he'll be taking some steps in time for his birthday?! His top toothy pegs are also both through and we're just now waiting for them to come out fully! His birthday pictures will be different with four gnashers!! He keeps licking his gums and sticking his tongue out! It must feel different to him to have teeth where there used to be none!
(Ok, so I'm typing my blog from work, but it is 4pm and my head is too fuzzy to think about work things now!)
It's been a good day all in all. I've not cried. I've tried to get my head around things here and emailed students, done a few light tasks and got confused over how things have changed work wise. I'm an administrator at a University and take care of students on certain awards and have a new set of awards to get to grips with now.
Also, the doors here all have automatic opening things on them now, the bathrooms have automatic lights that switch on when you walk in, and the toilet paper seems to be better quality than when I left!
And it's lovely and quiet being the Easter holidays so my phone hasn't rung once, and I've not had to speak to any students or staff at all on work related matters!
Yesterday was a nice and quiet day. I wanted to do something special with Joel so after a leisurely morning we walked up to Mum and Dads for lunch, then we all went out to Amerton Farm.
We had a look around the farm animals and I jumped when a huge horse stuck his head over the stable door which alarmed Joel and made him cry, which in turn made another baby cry which was a little bit funny! Whether this spooked him I'm not sure, but he also cried when I showed him a huge pig!! He didn't mind the micro pigs, goats or chickens though!
We had an ice-cream from the farm shop and he tucked in to his once we'd minimised it, and broke the bottom of a cone off and put some ice-cream in it!
![]() |
Nom Nom |
Standing by the engine |
Also, I'm very excited because yesterday, Joel stood up on his own and clapped himself for doing so! He stood up against the sofa, then let go and managed to balance for a short while then sat back down but he did it a few times! I wonder whether he'll be taking some steps in time for his birthday?! His top toothy pegs are also both through and we're just now waiting for them to come out fully! His birthday pictures will be different with four gnashers!! He keeps licking his gums and sticking his tongue out! It must feel different to him to have teeth where there used to be none!
Sunday, 1 April 2012
I'm not thinking about it really. I just don't feel I can. I know in my head that Tuesday I'm going back to work but today and tomorrow I'm trying to bury my head in metaphorical sand and not think about it.
These past few days Joel has got exceedingly clingy, as though he knows something is up. Or it could be his teeth coming through but I just am not looking forward to being apart from him for so long.
It sucks. Majorly.
So here's a cute photo to make him look like a giant next to his new baby cousin! We had a lovely Palm Sunday today, a bit of a pre-Easter get together....
These past few days Joel has got exceedingly clingy, as though he knows something is up. Or it could be his teeth coming through but I just am not looking forward to being apart from him for so long.
It sucks. Majorly.
So here's a cute photo to make him look like a giant next to his new baby cousin! We had a lovely Palm Sunday today, a bit of a pre-Easter get together....
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